Ebook – The Viennese Waltz By Harry Smith-Hampshire

Author:  Harry Smith-Hampshire
Genre:  Basic Technique & Basic Syllabus
Publisher:  Supadance
Pages:  16
Dance: Viennese Waltz
Language: English
Book Year:  2014
Format: Ebook


Product ID: 18651 Category:

World-beating ballroom dancer who excelled with a dizzyingly complex spin on the Viennese Waltz

The undefeated world professional ballroom dancing champion Harry Smith-Hampshire was an incorrigible perfectionist and a true gentleman. With his slim figure, upright posture, fine head of wavy silver hair and his bow-tied, moustachioed, immaculate turnout, he seemed like a figure from a bygone age. Yet with his quick wit and the hint of rakishness in the glint of his eyes, he would have fitted perfectly in the current hit BBC series, Strictly Come Dancing.

With his wife, the late Doreen Casey, he became the world master on the Viennese waltz. Their speciality in this dance was a dizziness-inducing finale of 64 bars of continous fleckerls, or 360-degree spins on the spot, at speeds rising to 84 rotations per minute.


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