Student Teacher
1 Sur Place
2 Basic Movement
3 Chasses to Right or Left (including Elevations)
4 Drag
5 Deplacement (also Attack)
6 Promenade Link (also Promenade Close)
7 Promenade
8 Ecart (Fallaway Whisk)
9 Separation
10 Separation with Lady’s Caping Walks
11 Fallaway Ending to Separation
12 Huit
13 Sixteen
14 Promenade and Counter Promenade
15 Grand Circle
16 Open ‘Thlemark
17 La Passe
18 Banderillas
19 Twist Turn
20 Fallaway Reverse Turn
21 Coup de Pique
22 Left Foot Variation
23 Spanish Lines
24 Flamenco Taps
25 Syncopated Separation
26 Travelling Spins from Promenade Position
27 Travelling Spins from Counter Promenade Position
28 Fregolina (also Farol)
29 Twists
30 Chasse Cape (including Outside Turn)
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