Ebook – ISTD Popular Variations in Latin-American Dancing


This book indudes the ‘ Popular Variations’ originally published in 1972 and 1976 and additional popular variations shown at courses since then. They are figures that have stood the test of time and are an excellent basis for many moderm variations.

Author: Elisabeth Romain
Dance: Latin
Level: Basic Syllabus
Language: English
Publisher: Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing
Pages: 68
Book Year: 1982
Type Format: E-book


Product ID: 8001 Categories: ,


1 Ronde to Outside Swivel
2 Advanced Leg Turns
3 Aida
4 Overturned Alemana; Advanced Hip Twist with Right Hand Hold; Check and Lady’s Solo Spot Turn
5 Advanced Sliding Doors
6 Forward and Back
7 Hand to Hand; Solo Spiral; Aida; Switch; Walks m Counter
Promenade; Alternative Basic Movements (Man) with Lady’s
Underarm Turns to L and R
8 Continuous Hip Twists. (Continuous Hip Twist; Continuous Circular
Hip Twist; Continuous; Circular Hip Twist in Right Side-by-Side Position
9 Horse and Cart (in Closed Facing Position) to
10 Horse and Cart (in Right Shadow Position)
11 Curl
12 Lady’s Shadow Foot Swivel!. from Curl
13 Cuban Rocks 13
14 Three Alemanas and Opening Out to Right and Left

1 Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs and developments
2 Back Rocks with Pivots
3 Variations of Travelling Locks. From Open Counter Promenade
Position; in Right Shadow Position; Cruzados Locks in Right Shadow
Position. )
4 Maxixe
5 Cruzado
6 Reverse Barrel Roll
7 Drop Voltas
8 Drop Voltas with Hand Change
9 Bota Fogo Rocks with Hand Change
10 Lady’s Spiral Spin to Open Counter PP
11 Hip Swings
12 Chasscs to Left and Right
13 Shadow Volta Roll
14 Revirado Runs
15 Promenade Spins and Zig Zag
16 Counter Promenade Spins and Zig Zag

Paso Doble
1 Shadow Attack
2 Travelling Spin from PP; Spanish Line from PP and Counter PP;
3 4 of Promenade Link; Chasse to Right
3 Flamenco Taps
4 Slip Cross
5 Salvador 176 1-4 of Promenades; Lady’s Underarm Turn to Left and Leg Lift;
6 Lady’s Spin to Right; Chasse� to Right
7 Promenade Link; Syncopated Chasscs to Right; Fallaway to
Promenade Press Line; Lady’s Underarm Turns to Right and
Fregolina ending
8 Twists into Same Foot Lunge; Promenade Press Line; Lady’s
Underarm Turns to Right and Fregolina Ending

1 Developments of the Change of Places
2 Reverse Whip
3 Whip Spin.
4 Ending to Stop and Go
5 Shadow Stalking Walks
6 Mooch
7 Flea Hops
8 Shoulder Spin
9 Catapult
10 Chugging
11 Rotary Zig Zag
12 Flick Crosses
13 New York with Springs
14 Coca Rola
15 Arm Circles and Hip Bumps

Cha Cha Cha
1 Pat-a-Cake
2 Suiza (Skipping) Movements
3 Rope Spinning, Swivels and Break
4 Open Hip Twist to Zig Zag
5 Riverboat Shuffle
6 Merengue Crosses. (Travelling Merengue Crosses; Same Foot
Travelling Merengue Crosses; Same Foot Circling Merengue Crosses.)
7 Swivels in Promenade and Counter Promenade
8 Cuban Break Opening Out
9 Side Break
10 Variations of Open Hip Twist (Hip Twist Runaway; Lunge Hip
Twist; Freeze Hip Twist.)
11 Hip Twist Spirals
12 Rolling Off the Arm
13 Curl


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