Dance To Your Maximum (2nd Edition)

Author: Maximiliaan Winkelhuis
Genre: general
Publisher: DSI
Pages: 336
Dance: General
Language: english
Book Year: 2015
Format: Ebook

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Many dancers have used the gems from this book to give their performance the winning edge, making it a must-have as a “dance bible”. Hard work alone is not enough to become a great ballroom dancer, but within the pages of ‘Dance to your Maximum’ are the secrets which can turn your thinking into that of a winner. In “Dance To Your Maximum” Maximiliaan Winkelhuis gives a detailed guidance on perfect preparation of a competition day, the whole season and the further career of a serious competitive dancer. Over fifteen years of experience with the world’s finest dancers plus extensive studies have enabled Maximiliaan Winkelhuis to give you all you need to know to prepare yourself physically, mentally and emotionally for competitive ballroom dancing. Equip yourself with every advantage to extract the maximum from your performance.


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