They include
- The difference between posture and poise
- Using stretch and contraction, using front vs. back muscles
- Produce a beautiful lady’s line without bending backward
- Moving from foot to foot while retaining full control
- Usage of sending leg vs. receiving leg
- Weight anchoring technique
- Dancing into 4 types of spaces around you
- 5 different ways of turning your body
Luca and Loraine clarify many concepts very often misunderstood by couples on the competitive circuit and they really do make them easy!
Although Luca and Loraine explain very advanced concepts, they use relatively simple, popular steps therefore this video can be recommended to very experienced dancers as well as medium experienced ones (however not beginners).
The section about body stance, posture and poise is repeated on all videos, however not exactly in the same words. Therefore every video can be used separately, but if you study all four of them you will not get bored either!
- StancePosture – Poise
- Usage of Upper Body and Lower BodyNatural figures:
1. Two walks – Progressive link – Closed Promenade
2. Contra check – Spanish drag to PP
3. PivotsReverse figures:
1. Fallaway reverse – Reverse pivot
2. Fallaway reverse – Reverse pivot – Telemark – Telespin – Pivot – Side Close
3. Fallaway reverse – Reverse pivot – Telemark – Two Telespins – Pivot – Side close – Oversway – Spanish drag – Same foot lunge – Five step - Space
Use of four spaces around us for power, shaping and presentation
Running time 80 min.
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