Ebook – The WDSF Syllabus

The WDSF Syllabus represents a list of basic figures and actions that
may be used in any competition with restricted Syllabus (basic- only).
It is obligatory for all Juvenile I and Juvenile II competitions.
The main reason for having a list of figures is to restrict the amount
of the choreographic material for children and beginners, so there can
be more attention given to mastering the basic mechanics, technique,
and rhythmical structures of each dance. The new WDSF Syllabus
has been modernized and expanded and gives many new possible
combinations of figures.
Rhythm/Style: Standard & Latin
Level of Dance: All Levels
Format: E-Book


Product ID: 13205 Categories: ,

It is strictly not allowed to use any figure that is not on the
On a national level the syllabus can be stricter (containing fewer
figures). It is recommended that all WDSF member bodies adopt
the WDSF Syllabus as their national Syllabus. That would
simplify the participation in the international competitions for all
competitors in basic categories.
The figures in the Syllabus are listed by the name they have in the
WDSF Technique Books. If the figures are popularly known by
another name, that name is given in the brackets.
Some figures and actions are added, that are not in the WDSF books
for the dance in question. The reason for this is to give more options
when constructing basic choreography. The figures or actions added
are those that are already part of the syllabus in another dance. The
reference is given to the book where the figure is described.
Each figure has a description of the first step (Start) and last step
(Finish).This is to assist in easier combinations of the figures.
The basic timing is also given. The notes bellow each figure give you
the alternative possible timings.
Any changes to the figures that are allowed are given in the NOTES
bellow the figure. Only the notes that are relevant to the
choreographic possibilities are given. For all the technical details
you have to refer to the WDSF Technique Books. Parts of a
figure may be used if so described in the notes. You are not
allowed to freely cut a figure into parts and use them.
The precedes and follows are not given. You may refer to a cross
reference table in the WDSF Technique Books.

When constructing choreography any combination of syllabus figures
is allowed, as long as the technical description and the notes are
respected. The Quantities of Turn given in the WDSF Technique Books
are a guideline and may change slightly when necessary in order to
construct choreography.
You may not add or take away parts of the figure, unless that
is specifically allowed in the notes.


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