Ebook – Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology by Karen Сlippinger


One of our best books ever! Incredible technical detail, but explained practically, in language that a committed lay dancer can understand and appreciate. And so useful! Perfect for the dancer who wants to understand the why’s and how’s of how things work.

All dancers are looking to achieve optimal performance—and Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology will help them do just that. This text helps dancers learn anatomical and biomechanical principles as they apply to dance performance. It focuses on optimal dance movement and the related principles for understanding the function of body joints. And by applying those principles, dancers can help reduce their risk of injury and enhance their performance longevity. Such a blend of science and art will empower dancers to realize their potential and expand their artistic vision.

Rhythm/Style: Standard & Latin
Level of Dance: All Levels
Format: EBook


Product ID: 18654 Categories: ,


CHAPTER 1 The Skeletal System and Its Movements

  1. Primary Tissues of the Body
  2. Bone Composition and Structure
  3. Bone Development and Growth
  4. The Human Skeleton
  5. Joint Architecture
  6. Body Orientation Terminology
  7. Joint Movement Terminology
  8. Skeletal Considerations in Whole Body Movement
  9. Summary
  10. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 2 The Muscular System

  1. Skeletal Muscle Structure and Function
  2. Microstructure of Skeletal Muscle and Muscle Contraction
  3. Muscle Architecture
  4. Muscle Attachments to Bone
  5. Muscles, Levers, and Rotary Motion
  6. Types of Muscle Contraction (Tension)
  7. Muscular Considerations in Whole Body Movement
  8. Learning Muscle Names and Actions
  9. Summary
  10. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 3 The Spine

  1. Bones and Bony Landmarks of the Spine
  2. Joint Structure and Movements of the Vertebral Column
  3. Description and Functions of Individual Muscles of the Spine
  4. Ideal Spinal Alignment and Common Deviations
  5. Spinal Mechanics
  6. Muscular Analysis of Fundamental Spinal Movements
  7. Key Considerations for the Spine in Whole Body Movement
  8. Special Considerations for the Spine in Dance
  9. Conditioning Exercises for the Spine
  10. Back Injuries in Dancers
  11. Summary
  12. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 4 The Pelvic Girdle and Hip Joint

  1. Bones and Bony Landmarks of the Hip Region
  2. Joint Structure and Movements of the Pelvic Girdle
  3. Joint Structure and Movements of the Hip
  4. Description and Functions of Individual Hip Muscles
  5. Alignment and Common Deviations of the Hip Region
  6. Pelvic and Hip Mechanics
  7. Muscular Analysis of Fundamental Hip Movements
  8. Key Considerations for the Hip in Whole Body Movement
  9. Special Considerations for the Hip in Dance
  10. Conditioning Exercises for the Hip
  11. Hip Injuries in Dancers
  12. Summary
  13. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 5 The Knee and Patellofemoral Joints

  1. Bones and Bony Landmarks of the Knee Region
  2. Joint Structure and Movements of the Knee
  3. Description and Functions of Individual Knee Muscles
  4. Knee Alignment and Common Deviations
  5. Knee Mechanics
  6. Structure and Movements of the Patellofemoral Joint
  7. Patellofemoral Alignment and the Q Angle
  8. Patellofemoral Mechanics
  9. Muscular Analysis of Fundamental Knee Movements
  10. Key Considerations for the Knee in Whole Body Movement
  11. Special Considerations for the Knee in Dance
  12. Conditioning Exercises for the Knee
  13. Knee Injuries in Dancers
  14. Summary
  15. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 6 The Ankle and Foot

  1. Bones and Bony Landmarks of the Ankle and Foot
  2. Joint Structure and Movements of the Ankle and Foot
  3. Description and Functions of Individual Muscles of the Ankle and Foot
  4. Alignment and Common Deviations of the Ankle and Foot
  5. Mechanics of the Ankle and Foot
  6. Muscular Analysis of Fundamental Movements of the Ankle and Foot
  7. Key Considerations for the Ankle and Foot in Whole Body Movement
  8. Special Considerations for the Ankle and Foot in Dance
  9. Conditioning Exercises for the Ankle and Foot
  10. Ankle and Foot Injuries in Dancers
  11. Summary
  12. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 7 The Upper Extremity

  1. Bones and Bony Landmarks of the Shoulder Complex
  2. Joint Structure and Movements of the Shoulder Girdle
  3. Joint Structure and Movements of the Shoulder
  4. Description and Functions of Individual Muscles of the Shoulder Complex
  5. Alignment and Common Deviations of the Shoulder Complex
  6. Shoulder Mechanics
  7. Muscular Analysis of Fundamental Shoulder Movements
  8. Special Considerations for the Shoulder Complex in Dance
  9. Other Joints of the Upper Extremity
  10. Description and Functions of Selected Individual Muscles of the Elbow
  11. Structure and Movements of the Radioulnar Joints
  12. Key Considerations for the Upper Extremity in Whole Body Movement
  13. Conditioning Exercises for the Upper Extremity
  14. Upper Extremity Injuries in Dancers
  15. Summary
  16. Study Questions and Applications

CHAPTER 8 Analysis of Human Movement

  1. Anatomical Movement Analysis of Whole Body Movements
  2. Other Methods for Movement Analysis
  3. Research-Supported Movement Analysis
  4. Optimal Performance Models
  5. Movement Cues
  6. Summary
  7. Study Questions and Applications


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