
American Smooth – Open Variations Set (8 DVD)

Before purchasing a variation tape, we strongly suggest that you have a firm understanding of the steps and terminology through that level. Variations are a different way of grouping or mixing steps. These videos contain advanced patterns, enhanced with additional elements, intended to help you take your dancing to a new level, and are excellent for social dancing as well as showcase and competition routines. These variation videos will not review the basic patterns since it is assumed that they are already known.

Buy all 8 American Smooth – Open Variations DVDs and save $12 comparing to buying them individually.

Rhythm/Style: American Style Smooth
Dancer (Instructor): Michael Mead & Toni Redpath
Level of Dance: Bronze (Beginning-Intermediate)
Format: DVD / All Regions

Original price was: $392.00.Current price is: $129.00.

Product ID: 6786 Category:

This offer consists of 8 DVDs:

  1. American Smooth – Open Bronze Waltz Variations
  2. American Smooth – Open Bronze Tango Variations
  3. American Smooth – Open Bronze Foxtrot Variations
  4. American Smooth – Open Bronze Viennese Waltz Variations
  5. American Smooth – Open Silver Waltz Variations
  6. American Smooth – Open Silver Tango Variations
  7. American Smooth – Open Silver Foxtrot Variations
  8. American Smooth – Open Silver Viennese Waltz Variations


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